Daily tasks | Часто задаваемые вопросы | VK Play Облако
We have started the daily tasks testing. In this article, you will find answers to the main issues.
What does it mean?
Complete the tasks and get free time: spend 3 hours in the game, run the game 3 days in a row or play 2 hours in Warface — the reward is 20 to 60 minutes free!
How to find them?
There is a new tab in the CloudGaming section — Tasks
Who can do these tasks?
At his rate, the functionality is only available to users with an hourly plan, but we plan to add tasks for players with an unlimited subscription.
However, the main block tasks are accessible for all users.
Starting block of tasks
What to do to accomplish start tasks:
- Sign up for VK Play CLOUD: we consider the assignment completed right away 🙂
- Link your VK account through VK Connect
- Subscribe to the newsletter: tick the “Receive News and Suggestions” in the VK Play Cloud Personal Account
- Subscribe to the VK group with the linked account
After completing the tasks from the start block you will automatically receive 1 hour of free play.
Main task block for hourly subscriptions
- Becomes available after purchasing hourly tariff
- All tasks have a different timer for completion — if the time has expired, progress on the task will be reset.
- The result is counted only after the end of the game session.
Task 1 — Play 3 hours
- Award: 30 minutes of game time
- Time to complete: 3 days
- Re-execution is available after: immediately after receiving the award
Task 2 — Play 10 hours
- Award: 60 minutes of game time
- Time to complete: 7 days
- Re-execution is available after: immediately after receiving the award
Task 3 — Run the game 3 days in a row
- Award: 30 minutes of game time
- Time to complete: 3 days (progress can be reset if you missed the second day)
- Re-execution is available after: immediately after receiving the award
Task 4 — Play 2 hours in the Warface card
- Award: 20 minutes of game time
- Time to complete: 2 days
- Re-execution is available after: 24 hours
Задание 5 — Play 5 hours in 3 games of different genres (genre filters are available in the main tab on the left)
- Award: 30 minutes of game time
- Time to complete: 7 days
- Re-execution is available after: immediately after receiving the award
Q: How to find and complete tasks?
A: Once you have signed up, completed the start tasks, and purchased an hourly plan, you’ll be able to access the “Tasks” tab in your personal account. Here you can view the achievements that are available to you.
Each task must be completed within a certain time. Otherwise, the timer is reset and you’ll have to perform the task again to get the reward.
To get the free time you need to:
- Perform the task
- Have an hourly plan
- Receive the reward on the task card
After completing a task and receiving a reward, you can do it again.
Q: I have an hourly plan, but I don’t see any tasks. How to find them?
A: At the second stage (May 2022), tasks are only available to users with hourly subscription. The update doesn’t launch to the entire user base immediately. If the «Tasks» tab doesn’t appear after 24 hours, please contact us at this link.
Q: Will tasks be available to users with unlimited tariffs?
A: We are planning to add them later after testing it properly on hourly plans.
Q: How to get free time with an hourly tariff?
A: Just play 🙂 All new users can get a promo code for 1 hour and bonus minuters for completing simple tasks.
Play 10 hours, run the game 3 days in a row or spend 5 hours in 3 games of different genres — you’ll get from 20 to 60 minutes free for this.
Most importantly, don’t forget to pick up the reward on the tasks tab!
Q: How do I get a free hour?
A: A discount promo code is given for completing the starting block of tasks for all new users.
To get it, you need to:
- Sigh up for VK Play Cloud
- Link your VK account through VK Connect
- Subscribe to the newsletter: tick the “Receive News and Suggestions” in the VK Play Cloud Personal Account
- Subscribe to the VK group with the linked account
After that, you will receive a promo code for 1 hour. Once you purchase additional hours, you will gain access to the main block of tasks.
Note that you can purchase with a discount for one year, then the promotional code will be deactivated.
Q: Why there is a message saying «You entered a non-existent code» when I try to apply received promo code?
A: Please be sure that you are activating the code on the account where it was received. If it’s true — contact us at this link.
Q: I have registered on VK Play Cloud for the first time, bought a tariff, but can’t see any tasks. What should I do?
A: It seems that you missed the very first task. After doing it, you’ll obtain a promo code for a 20% discount to buy your first tariff. Once you make the payment, you’ll have access to the following tasks.
Ес If you have completed the starting task, but don’t see the «Tasks» tab in your personal account or haven’t received a promo code for a discount — please contact us at this link.
Q: Why so few tasks?
A: Yes, there are few of them at the first stage. We plan to add new ones after testing the first tasks.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of completed tasks?
A: No, currently you can do each task as many times as you want..
Q: Where can I see games by genres for the fifth task?
A: In the main tab on the left:
Q: I subscribed to your VK group, but the task didn’t count. What to do?
A: Make sure that you signed up for the group with the same VK account that you linked through VK Connect. Check the privacy settings in VK — your page should show up in our public without any problems.
Если всё верно — напишите нам по этой ссылке, сообщите ID вашего аккаунта VK Play и ссылку на аккаунт VK.
Q: I completed the task, but didn’t get any reward. What should I do?
A: Please contact us at this link, don’t forget to specify:
- Your VK Play account ID
- Name of the completed task
- Date and time of its completion
- Date and time when you received the award in “Tasks” tab
Q: Can you return my task progress if I didn’t manage to do it in time?
A: Unfortunately, no. We won’t be able to return your progress due to the debugging the functionality of the tasks.
Q: Is it possible to unlink my VK account from VK Play account?
A: No, it’s not currently implemented in the VK Play Cloud Personal Account.